Present : J.Woodall (NOC), M.Godfree (DVO), L.Godfree (DVO), D. Walker (DVO ), R.Barnes (NOC), J. Palmer (NOC), H.Palmer (NOC), E.Williams (LEI), R.Denney (LEI), J.Bennett (LOG), R.Edwards (LEI), R.Alderson (NOC), G.Johnson (DVO), A. Portsmouth (LEI), C. Phillips (LEI), R. Phillips (LEI), M. Lucking (NOC), R. Macdonald (DVO), M. Gardner (DVO), R. Shooter (DVO), E. Williams (LEI), G. Davis, V. Davis, K. Pickworth, R. Pickworth  A.Hawkins (DVO).

 1.  Apologies for absence : T. Spalton,  H. Rice, D. Woodall, P. Leake, P. Olivant.

 2.  Minutes of the 37th AGM. These were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

                        Proposer H. Palmer

                        Seconder  E. Williams

 3.   Chairman’s report

            This year can best be described as normal service has been restored. After last year’s problems with foot and mouth it has been a pleasure to have a full programme of events to choose from.

            Electronic punching is becoming widespread and is a great improvement, and we hope to address the funding arrangements within the region to encourage even more use of this kit.

            I would like to congratulate all winners in our championships and galoppen and those successful juniors who have made the representative teams.

            I must thank all the committee for their efforts and support, and especially Roger Edwards who has taken over as Treasurer since the last AGM. I must also thank James Allen and Kevin Bradley for their help during the year. We are still looking for someone to take over from James as our E-kit supremo.

            We also have a vacancy for a development officer and I would press clubs to ask amongst their members for both these roles.

            This has been a year of changes in the administration of the sport, perhaps not as great as had once been expected and your committee have decided not to recommend any dramatic change in how EMOA is constituted. We did however start looking at our constitution with possible change in mind, and several good ideas which came out of that exercise are to be put to you this evening with the support of your committee.

 4.  Secretary’s report

             EMOA had just over 400 members last season. We have some 110 areas mapped, including 6 new ones mapped this year. We put on a total of 109 events of various levels, and have a total of 38 controllers at the various Grades. 15 coaching skills courses, 3 courses for coaches and 1 planning course have been held in the region last season.

 5.  Treasurer’s report .

            Foot and mouth in 2001 resulted in a drop in income, and also a drop in expenditure. In 2002 things have returned to nearly normal. Income from electronic punching has increased substantially, and no lost equipment has yet been replaced. This has resulted in a surplus of just over £300.

            The Balance Sheet showed that several separate funds have been amalgamated into the main EMOA fund. Electronic Equipment hire monies are currently coming in at such a rate that there should be enough to replace all the equipment in three to four years, should this be necessary.

6.  Approval of Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Statement

             Thanks were given to Dave Walker for his work in “independently financially examining” the Association’s books. The final accounts for the year ended 30.06.02 were circulated and accepted.

            Proposer:  E. Williams

            Seconder:  J. Woodall 

 7.  Amendments to the Constitution

             Proposal 1) That we adopt the amended constitution.

            The amended constitution consisted of some 25 changes, some only changing one word, while others were whole new sections.

            There was a robust and wide ranging discussion about the sort of constitution the region wanted. It was felt by many that a looser form of wording, that gave the Executive Committee and its officers freedom to act in the region’s interests, was preferable to a tightly worded version, which might in some circumstances tie the committee’s hands and was anyway not needed.

            The meeting then went through the changes one by one, approving 13 of these changes ( as shown elsewhere )

            Proposer: R. Macdonald

            Seconder: M. Lucking

 All  these changes were carried with only one vote against.

 Proposal 2) that the Constitution be renamed ‘Constitution and Standing Orders’ was not put to the meeting in the light of the above discussion. 

8.  Election of principal officers

            The following were re-elected unopposed.

Chairman -                       Roy Denney (who then resumed chair)

                        Vice Chairman -             Ranald Macdonald

                        Secretary -                   Andy Hawkins

                        Treasurer -                   Roger Edwards          

             Clubs are reminded that a new Secretary will be needed before the next AGM               

9.    Election of other officers

                        Mapping Adviser -                       Mike Godfree

BOF Event Standards Committee -             Ernie Williams

BOF Coaching Committee -            Hilary Palmer

Emews Editor -                                     Mike Gardner

                        Webmaster -                            Andy Portsmouth

            The above were re-elected unopposed

                        BOF Council -                                   Ray Barnes wished to step down, and will be                                                                    replaced in the short term by Roy Denney 

                        Fixtures Secretary -                   

                        Development Officer -

            There were no volunteers for either post at this meeting, and clubs are urged to try to find             volunteers.


10.    Appointment of Independent Financial Examiner

            Dave Walker agreed to continue in this role.              

11.    Budget projections (for  year to 30.6.2003)

            EMOA can afford to run a deficit next financial year, in view of the healthy             reserves. Emews has moved back to six issues per year. 

13.    Fixing of charges

The Treasurer introduced plans to halve subscription rates, but double event levies. This would keep income at roughly the same total , but now coming more from people who actually attended events, including people from  outside the region.

Electronic equipment hire charges to be changed to a rate  per  competitor, with a lesser rate for juniors. This will make it cheaper for small events, while Badge events may end up paying more. E-kit remains free for coaching events.

Proposer : R. Macdonald

Seconder : J. Woodall

14.    Plans for the coming year

Chairman:   We have allocated events to the end of the year as being part of the Galoppen and hope to finalise the programme next month. Similarly the night league is not yet complete. It is always a bit of a rush getting these matters sorted in time for this meeting but it should be less of a problem next year when our constitution allows us to put back the meeting a little. The galoppen normally runs from mid-October to mid-June, and next year’s AGM should be held just before its start.  Next year we hope to have four Badge events in the region, and should  be hosting the Midlands Championships. Our own Championships will be at Belvoir in March.

Preparation will get underway in earnest for our day of JK2004.

Mike Gardner and Andy Portsmouth will continue in their new roles further developing our newsletter and website respectively.

New rules for events are coming in and we will organise seminars to ensure they are interpreted consistently by club officials.

In this my last year as your Chairman I will continue to work to ensure EMOA serves its members well with those matters where a regional body is best suited but that it leaves clubs to do what they can do best at a local level.

Enjoy your running this winter.

Roy Denney.


Meeting closed at 9p.m., and was followed by an interesting and thought-provoking open forum on abuse of officials by competitors and the new junior age classes.
