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The East Midlands League (League) is a series of East Midlands Regional events and run much like leagues in other sports. Individuals gain points towards their League position from each League event they compete in, with their best results counted towards their total score (see rules). The League runs annually from January to December.

The leagues are based on the Colour Coded courses, so if you choose to run in different Colours, you will score points in each of those Colours. The points will not be aggregated, though! Those persons with the highest points in each Colour at the end of the League period - win!

Would you like to sponsor the EM League? If you did, the League could be called after you! Contact the EM Chairman to discuss.

League Rules

Table 2025 (updated 9th February 2025)
Table 2024     Table 2023
Table 2022     Table 2020/21     Table 2019     Table 2018    Table 2017    Table 2016   
Table 2015    Table 2014    Table 2013    Table 2012    Table 2011    Table 2010   
Table 2009    Table 2008    Table 2007    Table 2006    Table 2004/05   Table 2003/04

East Midlands League Events 2025


19th January Hanging Hill & Boothorpe (LEI)
9th February South Common (LOG)
1st March Birchen Edge (DVO) Cancelled, to be rearranged
23rd March Silverhill Woods (NOC)
13th April Ollerton Pit West (NOC)
1st June Carsington Pastures (DVO)
8th June Irchester (LEI)
19th October Burbage Common (LEI)
16th November Wellow (NOC)
23rd November Cromford Moor (DVO)
30th November Beacon Hill (LEI)
21st December Strawberry Hill (NOC)
28th December Martinshaw (LEI)

The above 13 events are a provisional list of the East Midlands Orienteering Association League for 2025. Some have still to be confirmed and the list may be subject to some revision throughout the year. Please see the EMOA website for updates.

The courses included in the League are:

White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Very Short Green*, Short Green, Green, Blue and Brown.
    * Please note that the Very Short Green Course will be included in the league for the first time in 2025

Planners please note: It is assumed that all nine courses will be provided at these events and unless the League Organiser is informed in advance, the event will stand for League purposes even if this is not the case. Please see below for contact details.

Entry into the League is automatic for all East Midlands affiliated competitors, unless you advise the League Organiser that you do not wish to take part. You must take part in two events on the same course to appear on the League Table. It is the competitor's responsibility to check that you have received points for each event you complete. It is especially important if you have a name that can be shortened/lengthened eg Dave/David, Cathryn/Cathy as the computer cannot recognise that you are the same competitor. Your total score is the sum of your best ? scores over the whole year (see rules and details below for actual number). Plaques are awarded to the winners, both male and female, on each course, and certificates for the top three.

Good Luck and remember, the more you take part, the better your chances of winning.

Ursula Williamson
EMOA League Organiser

0116 429 5381

East Midlands League rules and details

If there are any queries please contact Ursula Williamson at:

The East Midlands League (League) is an informal competition with no entry forms or entry fees - it is open to all members of East Midlands Orienteering Clubs and affiliated schools and groups. To take part you simply compete as an individual at the events within the region which have been nominated as part of the League. Once you have run a given Colour on at least two occasions, you will be automatically included in the league for that course. There will be a handicapping system to enable juniors, seniors and veterans to compete against each other with a fair chance of success.

The handicapping system will be the same as in previous years. It has been refined over the years and found to be as fair as possible. The number of events included in the League may vary, but will usually include every Regional non-urban event in the East Midlands in any given year. The number of counting events towards your overall score will be half the total number of events, (rounded down to the nearest whole number), plus one. E.g., with 14 events, your best 8 scores will count. With 13 events, your best 7 scores will count.

The results will be processed by computer. For the system to work efficiently it is essential that you enter the same details on your registration card at each event, i.e., forename, surname, sex & age class and club or group.

Inclusion in the League is automatic.

If you do not wish to be included please let me know.

  Ursula Williamson
  1 Kingsbridge Crescent,
  LE4 1EG
  Tel: 0116 429 5381

The League Rules

  1. The League will take place at a number of specified Regional events and will be open to all members of EMOA clubs and affiliated schools and groups.
  2. The League will comprise 16 leagues, with separate male and female leagues on the Colour Coded courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Short Green, Green, Blue and Brown. Any member may participate in any of the Colour Coded leagues, with the exception that M/W 14s and above who are members of the EM Junior Squad will not be counted as competitors in the Orange league or below. When a person has run a given Colour Coded course at 2 League events, s/he will be included as a participant in that league. A person may compete in more than one Colour league, both within the League as a whole and at any individual event; only the first course tackled at an event will be deemed to be included. No person will be given more than one prize at the end of the League.
  3. A competitor's total score will be the sum of his/her best event point scores calculated as below, for half the number of events (rounded down to the nearest whole number) plus one.
  4. At each event, points will be allocated to each participant as follows:
    • The race time of each competitor will be adjusted by an age-based percentage handicap (see below).
    • The winner of each course on the basis of these adjusted times will be given 1000 points.
    • Other competitors will be given points according to the formula: competitor's score = 1000 x winner's adjusted time/ competitor's adjusted time
  5. The percentage handicap adjustments will be as follows: M/W 10 & below: 62% M/W 12: 68% M/W 14: 73% M/W 16: 79% M/W 18: 85% M/W 20: 94% M/W 21: 100% M/W 35: 94% M/W 40: 88% M/W 45: 82% M/W 50: 76% M/W 55: 71% M/W 60: 65% M/W 65: 60% M/W 70: 55% M/W 75: 50% M/W80: 45% M/W85: 40% M/W 90: 35% M/W95 and above 30%. The above adjustments will be applied to the race time of all competitors on all courses, with the exception that any Senior or Veteran competing on White, Yellow or Orange courses will be given a handicap of 100%.
  6. The age class used for each person will be that which applies at the date of the event.
  7. The Organisers cannot guarantee to include competitors whose full details (name, sex & age class and club) do not appear in the official results of a given event. If a competitor uses different names at different events the computer will assume that they are different people. Please use the same details at all events!
  8. Appeals against the results of any event in the League should be made in the first instance to the Organisers within 10 days of publication. If necessary, the Organisers will refer the appeal to the EMOA Committee.

      (Updated November 2021)